Saturday, October 16, 2010


I'm not enough.

And I know I'm not enough.

My head knows I'm not enough. But my heart hasn't quite caught up.

I want to be enough. To hold my kids and their worlds.

But I'm not...not enough.

I'm called to bear their burdens but I'm not called to be their savior. I can't rescue them from their choices, make their decisions for them, redeem them from hurt and chaos they carry.

There's only one Savior. Only One who can love perfectly when I cannot. One who bears perfectly my burdens and the burdens of those I so desperately just want to hold.

And He holds me.

So despite the fact that I still try to hold the worlds and cannot because I am not enough...I know I am being held. And I know He holds the worlds and the lives of those I so love. He holds us.

I am not enough.

But I can hold on to the only One who is more than enough. Who has proven Himself as the One enough for me and for the ones I wish I was enough for...

Father, help me point to Enough...

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