Sunday, February 13, 2011

Passion, Desire, and Capabilities...

Passion, Desire, and Capabilities...

Passion is always about something external – outside of person, outside of self, about something else.
Desire is always about something internal – inside person, emotional and so changing, about self

Passion can fuel desire and desire can fuel passion but one must be careful of the foundation and/or motives as desire may fuel a selfish passion or passion may produce an unhealthy desire.

Capabilities without desire boils down to obligation and duty.
Capabilities without passion is self-sufficiency.

Desire without passion is often a prideful power trip...because desire is brought back to self.
Passion without desire is merely ideals and good intentions...because passion is about something external.

Capabilities without desire or passion is apathy.

Hmm...I haven’t done much blogging lately. I have quite a few things started as the beginning of a traditional Anika-style blog, but they go little further than a line or two. Those thoughts remain unaccounted. I have officially missed at least two, if not three weeks, of my self-proclaimed Blogging Challenge. Nothing like the onset of February for a New Year’s fail! I want to try and pick it up, but I make no promises. Somehow, despite the fact I enjoy compiling specific things to put on my blog in some version of coherent...I feel as if it is somewhat of an unfortunate trade off for my blog to get more action than my journal. Seeing as there is a single post for February and a single journal entry for February, I’d dare say they are about – although unfairly – even.

I think when it comes to my empty journal, I miss the freedom of the spill...the ability to place word after word on a screen that is soon filled in no matter of a means of simple release or detailing something meaningful or profound or maybe just to communicate thoughts without regards to audience or reason or whether either cares to listen.

When it comes to my blog, the writer in me misses intentionality. Blogging has this sense of putting words in some fashion acceptable for the other, I don’t know, two people in my cyber world to read. There is a flow and a connect and a desire to not just put myself out into cyberspace but to share part of my world.

Life being busy seems like an obvious but poor excuse for missing both of them. You should make time for the things you love. Or think you love. Yet, regardless of the fact I know I have passion for things as simple as writing, my desire as I sit exhausted at the end of the day wanes and my ability lacks as my days are full and my moments accounted for.

This, in combination with life in general, (honestly, my desire to journal as I got ready for bed one night last night was the trigger for quite an unrelated trajectory as I began to process many things through my muddled head), made me consider a few things. (That conversation would be an excessively long one...we won’t go there today.) I’ll simply note that I pondered the connection between passion, desire, and capabilities (listed above and again below)...feeling like things can happen in any one of the areas but somehow the combination was essential. I decided not to pre explain or justify my conclusions. Instead, I just list them as I pondered them. For whatever they are worth. And then I’ll post the whole of this to my blog...with thoughts that maybe my journal and my blog don’t need to fight for my quality time this round...

Passion, Desire, and Capabilities...

Passion is always about something external – outside of person, outside of self, about something else.
Desire is always about something internal – inside person, emotional and so changing, about self

Passion can fuel desire and desire can fuel passion but one must be careful of the foundation and/or motives as desire may fuel a selfish passion or passion may produce an unhealthy desire.

Capabilities without desire boils down to obligation and duty.
Capabilities without passion is self-sufficiency.

Desire without passion is often a prideful power trip...because desire is brought back to self.
Passion without desire is merely ideals and good intentions...because passion is about something external.

Capabilities without desire or passion is apathy.

1 comment:

breylee {} said...

Wow. That last bit gives a great amount of insight to my life right now. Thanks, Anika.