Thursday, June 25, 2009

Forgive Me...

Forgive me God,

For missing opportunities out of sheer fear and cowardice
For craving your my convenience
For speaking rich words backed up with empty actions
For always putting the thought of me before the thought of you
For hurting people in exchange for my own image and comfort
For letting my pride get in the way of a servant’s heart
For craving love but not being willing to give it back
For ignoring those who need to be shown your love...because it makes me uncomfortable
For forgetting sacrifice takes humility and courage and not just lip service
For walking by sight and forgetting the faith
For tolerating personal apathy and refusing a life of passion
For allowing my selfishness to dictate our relationship
For seeking the things of your hand before the things of your heart
For redefining discipleship – so my own pathetic attempts will some how measure up
For screaming at your absence without endeavoring towards your presence
For willing your voice but not sticking around for the answer

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