Sunday, December 16, 2012

Daddy's Girl... Head on His Chest

I’m a “daddy’s girl”. 

I’m not embarrassed by the fact. [I’m also a “mamma’s girl” and have a great relationship with my mom.] 

But I do have a special relationship with my dad.  We’re wired in similar ways and he “gets” the way my brain ticks better than most.  When I need to whine and vent or I’m sick, I call my mom.  When I need someone to understand where I’m coming from, I call my dad. The story goes that as a babe, it was my dad alone who could get me to sleep when I was really fussy. There is more than one picture with me napping with him as a wee one...Dad asleep in the chair and me sound asleep with him, curled up on his chest. 

It’s not really surprising or really all that ironic (at least to me), that as an adult, when standing next to my dad, my height next to his, my head lays perfectly on his chest.  If I lean into him or he pulls me in for a hug, my head falls perfectly on his chest.  And when I’m having a bad day or a hard day that’s exactly where I want to be...held by my dad, with my head next to his heart.

And I know I am blessed to have a dad who loves and takes care of me so...even as an adult.  I’ve mentored girls with dads who should have stopped contributing after the sperm (because they’ve literally sucked up everything since in every imaginable way).  I have friends who have dads that are decent men...notable members of society...but nothing special or notable in the father department...they can’t and don’t hug or communicate or interact and never really have.   My siblings and I have never had to doubt how much our father loves us.  (Heck as “Papa John”, friends young and old have been given tastes of a father’s love through my own dad.) My dad is a good dad.   

He reminds me often of the love a father is supposed to have for a child.  And he reminds me of, because he mimics, the love of the Father. 

Throughout scripture, and in especially meaningful ways in the New Testament as Christ defines the relationship with Yaweh by referring to Him as “Abba” – a tender term for father (similar to the way I will still occasionally refer to my father as “daddy”) – the love of God for His children is made evident. 

1 John 3:1, in one of my many favorite verses, states “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 

My Heavenly Father is a known good God, but also a good father, a good dad.  Both in Matthew (7:11) and Luke (11:13) the words of Jesus are recounted that say that if evil fathers can give good gifts to their children, how much greater the gifts the Father will give to those who ask!  These verses are found in direct context of Jesus telling his disciples to come to the Father and to seek and to ask and come boldly.  I don’t feel as if it is impertinent to translate this to know that if imperfect fathers can love their children in imperfect but good ways (giving good gifts), God can only love in perfect and good ways... He is a good dad.

Admittedly, when I think of my own dad and think of how this is a reflection of the love God has demonstrated to me, I think of an old Carpenter’s Tools song.  A song that recounts the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15) and in the chorus the words reiterate “And then He ran to me; He took me in His arms and held my head to His chest...”  In fact scripture (depending on the translation) says that the father ran and “threw his arms around” his son or “embraced” him. (vs. 20).  I know the full theology behind this parable.  I know Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees about their role in the story.  But still, in midst of it all, I see the simple truth: God loves His children and calls them to Himself. 

Some times, when the days are long and life feels hard...when I’m struggling with the pieces in parts, it is this image of God I need to come to.  I know His love and His faithfulness and presence.  I do my best (although fail often) to rely steadily on the One who Is regardless of the day or situation.  And I am thankful and blessed that when life doesn’t make sense...when I can’t fix the pain or the hurt; when I just need One to understand where my heart is sitting, my God knows me as His child and allows me to know Him as a father. There are many pieces of life that don’t make sense right now.  Pieces that hurt.  Pieces of the world that I can’t fix and can’t hold.  I’m thankful that the world has the same opportunity to be held and to be known. That God takes care of His world far better than I can or ever will (turns out, I’m still not God! Hallelujah!).  I am terribly blessed to have a Father God, that much like my daddy, when I come to seek Him; He takes me in His arms and holds my head to His chest...

“What marvelous love the Father has extended to us!  Just look at it – we’re called children of God!  That’s who we really are.  But that’s also why the world doesn’t recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who he is or what he’s up to.  But friends, that’s exactly who we are: children of God.  And that’s only the beginning. Who knows how we’ll end up!  What we know is that when Christ is openely revealed, we’ll see him – and in seeing him, become like him...”  
1 John 3:1-2 [The Message] 

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